Teller Difference Policy

For those at financial institutions, do you have a teller difference policy that is shared with employees? The policy would state in detail the disciplinary results of cash shortages. For example, the first time you are short more than $50 you get a verbal, the next time you get a written, and so on. This is not part of our employee guidelines, but an "internal control policy" that operations wants to give to cashiers in writing. I don't like it because it ties our hands, but it is seen here as the only way to ensure consistency. We are at-will and non-union and I think it goes withouut saying that employees can't take, or misplace, money. I have worked a lot of retail cash registers and managed cashiers and never heard of such a policy. If the thresholds were $50, a lot of cashiers would have come up $49 short on a regular basis.


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