Questionable Reference Checks
How do you all handle having one iffy reference check and others that are neutral or good? For example I have one where we actually got real responses. We ask for a 1-5 (5 is high) ranking of ability to Learn, Accept Responsibility, Follow directions, Take suggestions & criticism, Be flexible, Follow through, Use own initiative, Demonstrate creativity, Get along with people; and what their attendance/punctuality was like.
This employee was ranked 4 or 5 in all, but on attendance they said, "Okay at times. Sometimes didn't show up for work, sometimes called in - sometimes didn't." They said reason for leaving was "Walked off the job." However, they stated they would re-hire and that he was a good worker? This was 3 years ago and reference from then till now was neutral, dates & title only.
He interviewed well, has good experience (which is hard to find). Supervisor wants to hire him and start employment with a conversation about the importance of attendance and what our expectation are.
What would you guys do? What do you do when you have mixed references? Do you have a set standard, or do you make judgement calls?
This employee was ranked 4 or 5 in all, but on attendance they said, "Okay at times. Sometimes didn't show up for work, sometimes called in - sometimes didn't." They said reason for leaving was "Walked off the job." However, they stated they would re-hire and that he was a good worker? This was 3 years ago and reference from then till now was neutral, dates & title only.
He interviewed well, has good experience (which is hard to find). Supervisor wants to hire him and start employment with a conversation about the importance of attendance and what our expectation are.
What would you guys do? What do you do when you have mixed references? Do you have a set standard, or do you make judgement calls?
Unless there was a specific reason that he can give that makes sense (like Mother was terminally ill and I was looking after her and just got too much for work and personal life and I didn't want to tell people in office about my personal life) I would think twice about the reference info you received. Usually very beneficial if they will go to the trouble to release this.
E Wart
In your situation, I would go back to the drawing board a little. How many jobs has this person had in the last 5-7 years? What's his average stay at each? Do the jobs he held in the past reflect upwards movement (i.e. job titles, pay, etc.) or do they remain relatively flat or go backwards? How did the interview go? What type of questions were asked - were they the ridiculous kind like, where do you see yourself in five years, or were they job specific & the applicant demonstrated proven knowledge in the field. I would look at all of this information again & then review the responses to the reference checks. If this applicant has had several jobs, no upward improvements in pay or title & the interview questions are open-ended, then I would not hire the person. I hope this helps.