taking pictures of applicants

Does anyone know if it is lawful in Kentucky to take a picture of the applicant at the time of an interview. Sometimes we don't hire the person immediately but want to consider them for a position that may open in the distant future and we are having trouble remembering who people are just by looking at the resume and last interview notes. The picture would help "jog" our memory...
>people are just by looking at the resume and last interview notes. The
>picture would help "jog" our memory...
This is precisely the position the EEOC will take...."That having photos of applicants did indeed 'jog' your memory and remind you which applicants were minorities". They will ask you how indeed does a photo remind you of one's qualifications, experience and skill set, when you have the resume and/or application right there to do that. They will immediately conclude that by looking at photos, you suddenly are able to recall, 'Oh yeah, now I remember Luther. He's that fat black guy'. They will not buy your explanation, no matter what it is. Run from the suggestion. Sonny, you maybe should put out a policy statement or something for the file to show that you did all possible to keep this practice out.
As to your intro, don't work IN the environment, just try to work WITH
Also, don't work FOR chief. .he doesn't much care for me (go figure)
And the list can go on and on.....they generally don't make these in my presence because they know I will come down on them like a ton of bricks, but I still hear about it.
I once had an attorney tell me that he tried to advise a doctor on employment laws and the physician stated: "This is my GD practice and I will run it like I see fit!" Needless to say, he was hit with a discrimination lawsuit in less than a year.
She quit.