Forced to Resign

An employer told one of his employees that, he/she would need to turn in a letter of resignation before the end of the work day or he/she would be terminated. Does an employer have the leagal right to make an ultimatum such as that? How does the law protect the employee and the employer in this case?
In effect this employer is terminating the employee, regardless of any letter of resignation. It may qualify the ee for UI.
So Shadow, what part of Michigan are you in? I have been to West Michgan many times with my former employer. A large office furniture manufacturer.
If an employee quits, he or she is ALMOST NEVER eligible for unemployment benefits. If he or she is terminated, it always applies.
It is a MYTH that if you are fired from a job that you cannot get unemployement, but many employers use this myth as leverage to get employees to sign.
The unemployment policy here is you cannot collect if you were terminated "due to gross misconduct". In other words, if someone is doing a poor job and you fire them, they can collect unemployment. If they yell at a customer, show up late all the time, etc, and you fire them, chances are they cannot collect unemployment.