employment verification
3,243 Posts
Just picked up a voice mail asking for employment verification for one of our managers. How confidential is this kind of thing? Do I let the CEO know?
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
If it happened with executive staff, I'd do the same thing. My loyalty is with the company. If the employee didn't want us to know she/he was leaving, she should have asked her potential employer not to call references yet. I did the same when looking for my current job. After the final interview, I told my boss what I was doing and told my potential employer it was OK to call for references.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
We have had employees in the same position leave us before and take a good portion of our business. The guy who did the most damage by far was the only salesperson I ever talked to who had a thing about integrity (I found it highly ironic). Since this is a small community it was decided that getting nasty about it would do us more harm than good in the long run.
I have let the CEO know. The ball is now in her court. Thanks for the help. I love this forum!