Safety Inspections

I'm looking for a video that teaches employees how to identify safety violations/concerns in the workplace. Does anyone have any suggestions on locating such a video.
The National Safety Council, [url][/url] has a Safety Management for Small Business facilitator kit for $145.00 that covers Regulatory compliance, Safety inspections, Incident reporting and investigation,OSHA recordkeeping requirements. I have not ever seen this particular kit but it should be decent.
Also OSHA has a consultation service where they come in and will help you. They will not fine you, but you must fix unsafe conditions they find. It is free. Here is their info:
Wisconsin Department of Commerce
Bureau of Marketing, Advocacy & Technology Development
Bureau of Manufacturing & Assessment
141 NW Barstow Street
Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188-3789
(262) 512-5062 or Toll Free: 1-800-947-0553
(262) 521-5369 FAX
E-mail: [email][/email]
Website: [url][/url]
I hope this helps.
My $0.02 worth,
DJ The Balloonman