Can Direct Deposit Be Mandatory?

We're in N.C. Can we make direct deposit mandatory for all employees? We can deposit the payroll into existing accounts, but we are also able to open no-charge accounts from here for the employees. We have had so many problems with lost checks, or people claiming their check is lost, getting a replacement and cashing the "lost" one, people getting robbed, or bad mailing addresses. I want this mandatory for everyone but am getting a LOT of resistance from management. Any thoughts?
>your company can do whatever it wishes. I know we have saved alot of
>money going this route.
Whether or not you can make direct deposit mandatory is a matter of state law, and then some states require in state bank, ee pick bank, etc. It is best to check your state law before making mandatory.
Wisconsin can be mandatory, but it must be an in state bank and the ee must incur no cost.
We have 3 options and all three meet the standard of getting the paycheck to the ee during the next 40 hours after the work week has closed which is every Saturday.
Our Hispanic employees who are here legally, three of them have checking accounts and are on the direct deposit system. The rest can not get one, and even have some difficulty getting them cashed. They use the Cash Advance businesses and grocery stores who accept the payroll check for the purchase of food. Regardless we meet the statue of getting the ee his/her money owed for service rendered on our behalf.
For these reasons, we did not make it mandatory, and I believe you might have difficulty making me have a direct deposit system unless the company is willing to suffer the cost of an account established on the behalf of the ee.
Personal pick-up and a direct deposit system might work for those of you without remote locations. The US MAIL system also works for us! We have not lost a check, so far, and "knock on wood" to keep that trend.
My computer has been receiving the "super big worm", but our AVF system has detected the incoming bug and deletes the attachments, got to run for not and delete the mail. About 34 e-mails messages per 15 minutes period of time since 7:00 AM from someone out there. OOPS here comes 2 more!!!!
We tried to make direct deposit mandatory, but we had difficulties, as Don said, with employees who were unable to open a bank account because of past overdrafts or other issues.
Maybe in your situation, with being able to provide employees with no-charge accounts, you can circumvent this problem. It sounds as if it would make everybody's lives easier.
I had many young employees who had never had a bank account and really appreciated this extra "perk". They also liked not having to come in to pick up their check if they were off on a payday - they could just call to get their deposit amount.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
We can't force our employes for direct deposit. However we have come up with the e-card. It's like an ATM card. They can go to any bank and withdraw their money, or they can use it at grocery stores, gas stations etc. This has worked wonders for all types of employees. We have a lot of hispanic employees that do not like the idea of having their money in the bank, or those husbands/wife that do not want their partners to know how much money they are making, or for that matter people who have problems with bouncing checks. (Savings account are fine except that banks in California charge you a fee if you withdraw $$ from your account more than once)
just an idea.