Nuts & Bolts Question - Opinions Needed

This question is for those of you in mfg. or others who use time clocks. I apologize in advance for the length, but before we invest in a new and expensive time clock that doesn't work I really need input based on some understanding of how we work.
We have an old-fashioned mechanical time clock system which works really well for our needs. However, we have 180+/- time clock users in two plants 8 - 10 miles apart (depends which route you take)in the payroll group. Our corporate parent recently outsourced payroll to Ceridian. According to Corporate Payroll (don't ask why we have both) we must have our payroll into Ceridian by 9:00 AM Monday morning. The payroll clerk has to figure all the cards (we have lead pay, out-of-class work, training hrs, etc.), then key them into our divisional headquarters' middleware. Can't be done by Monday morning. We have been pulling the cards Friday morning after clock in; she then keys them in on Friday, makes adjustments Monday morning and transmits. Obviously this can't continue (DOL problems, wrong paychecks, etc.). Does anyone have an automated system that they can recommend? Or conversely, is there any system I should avoid? We currently have two shifts, used to have three and may again if business picks up, and some variable starting times.
Thanks for your help.
We have an old-fashioned mechanical time clock system which works really well for our needs. However, we have 180+/- time clock users in two plants 8 - 10 miles apart (depends which route you take)in the payroll group. Our corporate parent recently outsourced payroll to Ceridian. According to Corporate Payroll (don't ask why we have both) we must have our payroll into Ceridian by 9:00 AM Monday morning. The payroll clerk has to figure all the cards (we have lead pay, out-of-class work, training hrs, etc.), then key them into our divisional headquarters' middleware. Can't be done by Monday morning. We have been pulling the cards Friday morning after clock in; she then keys them in on Friday, makes adjustments Monday morning and transmits. Obviously this can't continue (DOL problems, wrong paychecks, etc.). Does anyone have an automated system that they can recommend? Or conversely, is there any system I should avoid? We currently have two shifts, used to have three and may again if business picks up, and some variable starting times.
Thanks for your help.
The DAILY tasks are the key to keeping adjustments to an absolute minimum.
We use Lathem time at a few of our offices, credit card-type swipe cards, downloads right to a PC, and can interface with a lot of programs(although we are still in the stone age and hand-keying it all into Paychex).
I suggest downloading the payroll and balancing (through Thursday) on Fridays. Then, Monday morning only 1 day has to be done (early, though!).
My sympathies....
It works pretty well. Occassionally a punch doesn't register. Once the punches have been collected, you have the ability to e-mail the punch report directly to the supervisor in .txt format.