
I need some advice on how to deal with an increasing amount of gossip in my office, some of which has become hurtful and more importantly, a waste of time. I have 22 employees in a medical billing office. Should these individuals be confronted? Thanks for your help.


  • 18 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Once you find the cure for gossip, then you can find the cure for the common cold and cancer.

    Always a difficult problem. About the only thing I have done, is tell the main gossipers that I can't control what they say, but if they create a disturbance as a result of their gossip, I will address that.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-20-03 AT 07:50AM (CST)[/font][p]I agree. Gossip has been with us since the beginning. Some gossip can be construed as hostile environment and/or harassment. You could send out a memo to the entire group reminding them of this. That may help a little. You'll want to address it before it gets to that point.
  • We are a large company and have been dealing with this off and on. If it is just non-hurtful, can it ever be?, gossip, we send out a memo which works for quite a while. If it is hurtful or can be construed as hostile/harassment, we confront the person directly. If you would like a copy of our memo, I would be happy to send it to you.
  • Thank you for your input, I would appreciate receiving a copy of your memo. My email address is [email]accmgmarianna@pacbell.net[/email]

    My address is: Marianna Allan, Administrator
    Anesthesia Consultants of California
    332 S. Juniper #108
    Escondido, CA 92025

    Thanks again!
  • It is in our P&P as a major violation with disciplinary action of up to and including termination. It has been used.

    Creating discord or lack of harmony including, but not limited to, gossip, rumor and innuendo.

  • I like Leslie's wording. It's brief, to the point and not open to misinterpretation. It should make more of an impression than staff meetings, memos, individual counseling and one cocked eyebrow.

  • >Creating discord or lack of harmony including, but not limited to,
    >gossip, rumor and innuendo.

    I like the fact that you specifically mention gossip, rumor and innuendo, Leslie. But what happens if I don't know discord and only know datcord? And I'm tone deaf, so the lack of harmony could be a problem.

    I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. x;-)

  • Beagle, employees like you are my worst nightmare...a sharp sense of humor that makes me laugh in the middle of a serious discussion. It's gotten me more than once. x:-8
  • Ah aims to please, ma'am. x:-)
  • I've been admonished so I can't comment further.
  • I would also like a copy of the memo. Thank you.

  • Go to this link to view an article I sent to all our location directors - to be shared with their staff. We still battle gossip and probably always will, but the article helps build awareness of the negative effects of gossip.


  • With all due respect HRQ, do you think your mailing will have any effect whatsoever on gossip in the workplace? I applaud your effort but cannot imagine that a person who is involved in or who was on the verge of gossiping would actually stop and think and not proceed based on reading your message. Would someone actually reflect, "Oh, I never thought about it that way. Maybe I should not gossip." Behavioral patterns are not often, if ever, derailed by the presentation of admonitions. But, I hope it works for you.
  • Gossip will never go away, I know. It was my attempt at using a positive approach before hammering people.

    In one case, the director felt more comfortable conducting a formal discussion with the employee because the topic had already been discussed at a previous staff meeting. (Keep in mind our directors are generally nurturers and don't like conflict - anything I can do to help them deal positively with what they perceive to be conflict is important.)

    You know what they say - "if it helps just one person"...
  • We cover this in our Employee Handbook under "Employee Relations"

    "As an employee of XYZ Corporation, it is expected that you will conduct yourself in a professional manner, not only towards patients and their families,but also towards each other"

    Malicious gossip, disparaging remarks about others and a spirit of negativity have no place at XYZ Corporation. Not only is it disruptive to the work environment and counterproductive to our mission, such behavior has the propensity of causing potential liability for XYZ Corporation, as well as personal liability for the perpetrator.

    For these reasons, such behavior may lead to disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination of employment."
  • When you address gossip in the workplace, I always remind all employees that if they really want to support their teamates, not only should they not gossip, but they should refuse to listen to anyone who tries to gossip to them. That gives many of the employees the opportunity to take the higher ground and will sometimes dry up the audiences for the gossiper.

    Margaret Morford
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-22-03 AT 06:35AM (CST)[/font][p]
  • Don

    You are usually an optimistic person, but definitely not today. Actually, it seems like recently you have been a bit more down than up. I hope it is a short term situation.

    I have been thinking on this gossip problem, and wonder if it couldn't be handled similarly to safety issues. I am referring to ongoing training, which many on this forum claim to be the best way to improve safety in the workplace. It sounds as if we constantly remind our employees to be safe, that eventually it remains in the fore-front of their minds. Can't we do the same with gossip? An annual memo will probably not to the trick, but constant reminders of how damaging gossip can be, and how it is important to not only not repeat, but also to not listen, might eventually make a difference.

    I admit to being very naive and trusting when it comes to people, so don't blast me for my idea please. ;;)
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