To allow capri pants or not

We have a business casual dress policy. In the past, we have not allowed capri pants (mid-calf or just below the knee pants). Many employees have asked again about wearing them. We use to allow them but employees would come in looking like they were on their way to a baseball game. Some employees could dress them up, but others look too casual. For those of you with business casual dress policies, do you allow capri pants? Do you have any stipulations on them? Thanks.
Other than a slight aversion to them, still I can't decide why a dress code would sanction them. When you think about it, they don't reveal as much skin as many other items, aren't tighter than lots of things and might be comfortable as far as I know. Do they conjure notions of clam-digs or gardening or Lily Tomlin working the switchboard? Is that why they should be prohibited in the workplace?
And if an image of Don wearing capris doesn't do it....then consider me wearing them! Point made!
Scott's female boss' logic is laughable. And who says HR is predominately female? I can recall when there were NO (as in ZERO) women in HR functions when all the personnel managers were men. Over time there was a realization that women could be trusted to learn the function (I have my hard hat on) and all of the larger meetings of HR managers I attend now have about a 50-50 split. But I realize some of the men are busy working and could not attend the meeting and sent a woman in their place, just to take notes you see. So the split is probably 55men-45women. Am I setting myself up or what? I am learning from Ray.
From the way I see it, the male species abdicated the HR throne because he (they) realized they couldn't cut the mustard. (I think that's a NJ term.) x:*
And yes, we allow them at work.
Some days I’d just like to post a new dress code that says, “Please don’t come to work looking like crap,” and be done with it.
In fact, the projectile button offender was a man, but I won't bust you for trying to pin the crime on a woman. Please remember my kindness in the future when other Forumites of my gender are heating up the tar and getting out the feathers.