STD Forms - who gets to send them controversey

A question for you all. Who sends in the short term state disability forms in to the state, HR or the employee? We have a controversey here where the employee wants the right to send the form after HR has filled in the salary and other pertinent info. In the past it has always been that the employee filled in their part and the doctor filled in thier part and then it came to us to fill in and sign off on the employer's part and mail it to the state. How is this handled at your office?
You complete your part including income info. Send the form to the employee, they do whatever they want with it, including potentially "fudging" income info, then they send it to the carrier.
Even though I keep a copy of what I fill out, I'd not likely realize if the employee increased their earnings info after I was done with the form.
Here in Maryland we don't have a state system that I'm aware of. We deal with the insurer. I fill out the employer's portion, including the compensation section, and keep a copy. The only information that could be fudged would be the medical and that would require tampering by the employee or falsification by the physician.
As far as personal medical information, I'm considered the "privacy officer" anyway since I have the employee medical files. That's spelled out in our privacy statement.
My control is that I have copies of any employee-related documents. I don't really care "who goes first" in the case of STDI. Your state may be different, however.