Are union negotiations confidential?

Maybe I'm dense, but I was always trained that negotiations are conf. We are a govt. employer so almost everything we do is public. But I thought this was an exception. Now I have someone telling me otherwise. Who's right?
>incorrect or the Union is only giving out portions of the info?
It is a given that if the union is passing along the information it is either blatantly incorrect or they are only giving out portions of the info, or both. It's like a judge's gag order. Only half the group is gagged.
As far as the general public, in this state, there is no right for the general public to know about negotiations. This would be under the Freedom of Information Law. It would depend on the law in your state but I believe many laws do not require disclosure of negotiations for obvious reasons. Think of the other side of the table requesting info on your caucus where you decide what the bottom line will be.
Our Union negotiations are strictly confidential, with only the Union Reps, Stewards, and 3 Mgmt. present. Union members are, of course, informed of all proposals during the negotiations process - they have to vote on them. Only after ratification, is the contract available for review (upon request) to the general public. I have shared ratified contracts with other local agencies, as they have with me.
Hope this info is of some help.