Progressive discipline for Mgrs/payroll

It takes our company of 150 ee's THREE DAYS to finish payroll with TWO people doing it AND with timekeeping software as well as a company that processes it for us. I had no idea how ineffecient we were being until I read another thread on this forum about payroll.
The problem is that the Managers don't sign off on the hours of their ee's by the deadline (mondays at noon) ALL we do on those first two days is chase down managers and remind, demand, beg, bribe et all to please sign off on their ee's.
Well in our latest upper management meeting the finance manager proposed that we go to a bi monthly payroll instead of weekly. We work in retail and I know that one of the benefits that we offer is a paycheck every week. I propose that we set it in place that the managers get written up if they don't meet the dealine. It is part of their job and they are wasting the company time and money.
What do you guys think?
The problem is that the Managers don't sign off on the hours of their ee's by the deadline (mondays at noon) ALL we do on those first two days is chase down managers and remind, demand, beg, bribe et all to please sign off on their ee's.
Well in our latest upper management meeting the finance manager proposed that we go to a bi monthly payroll instead of weekly. We work in retail and I know that one of the benefits that we offer is a paycheck every week. I propose that we set it in place that the managers get written up if they don't meet the dealine. It is part of their job and they are wasting the company time and money.
What do you guys think?
A CHECK MARK!!! thats all we want!!!!!!!
We used to have the Leads/Managers review and sign each time ticket in the morning and turn them into the receptionist by 8:00 a.m. This never worked as the time tickets were always turned in late. I re-evaluated the situation and I discovered that the leads/managers were actually checking to see if there was a time stamp on the back of the time ticket (for time in) and whether or not the employee came in late. There wasn't a consistent standard within the company regarding what was considered late (some leads thought 1 minute past was late others thought anything over 10 was late). Long story short, our receptionist now checks for this information, a consistent standard for defining a tardy was created and a monthly tardy report goes out to the leads/managers. This has worked so well for our company (drastically reducing stress and money (we don't pay leads/managers to review - even 10 minutes a day times 9 leads/managers can add to your bottom line - our recptionist is paid $10.50 an hour) - I don't know why they didn't think of it sooner. Just some options/thoughts/experience.
So, next question: what would make going bi-monthly easier on the ee's if we were to do so?
I believe going to a bi-weekly payroll is always easier. It must be a nightmare having to process a payroll every single week!
The problems are no longer a continuing issues once the personal audience with the department head has taken place; cooperation with payroll is almost overbearing.
Write-ups for managerment is usually a waste of time; personal audiences with department heads is a real winner, mid-year and year-end evaluation is the place for write-ups, the subjective thoughts of the boss toward a manager who fails to take care of the life blood of the organization, the employee, is very moving.
Lots of input on this subject so I'll close and leave time for others!
Oooooh - I like that one! We currently mail live checks directly to the employee when it's a corrective check. If the employee had to p/u at our office, (we aren't in the same building) they'd give their supervisor h$%l which would be great incentive for the supervisor to get her act together!