Viewing Personnel Files

Does anyone know the law regarding employees viewing their personnel files in the District of Columbia? I've just had my first request today. Our policy manual states that employees view in accordance with the state law (we have employees in many states)


Ms Shepard
Sheparding the flock


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Hi Ms Shepard:

    In Washington State this type of question could be routed to the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, Employment Standards Office. Do you have something similar for D.C.? I would contact them for the answer.

  • You might also contact one of your contemporaries in an industry in the community or at least in that state; one who has experience in this area. They are more likely to point you in the best, yet compliant, direction. The state labor office, although they might be able to recite the regulations, probably also tend to recommend something a bit more than the law requires. People in government offices often recommend something other than what state law actually requires and you might be misled. If you cannot do the prior and must resort to the latter, do not take the call at face value; but, ask for a faxed or mailed copy of the regulation.
  • Thanks Don D. for always adding an alternative.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-06-03 AT 10:54AM (CST)[/font][p]The information I have states that in D.C. an employee has the right to review his/her personnel records, to insert rebuttal information and to request the removal of any information that is irrelevant or more than three years old. The statute says nothing about copies which usually means that this is to the company's discretion. Hope this helps.
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