Refusal to sign confidentiality agreement

We recently updated our confidentiality agreement,per our attorney's advise. One particular employee has not signed and returned to HR. Three written requests have been made, all employees were given 21 days to review and sign.
Can we put the employee on probation, ask to leave premises until signed, terminate the employee?
What are our options?
Can we put the employee on probation, ask to leave premises until signed, terminate the employee?
What are our options?
My read would be that IF you are an at-will employer and IF you have not compromised that position with this employee by other actions, following any of your three plans should be possible (of course, if you need to be confident, you need to talk to your legal counsel).
Of course, before you do any of that, it is important to sit down and ask the person what might be going on. And then listen and ask open-ended questions. I have often seen an employee's resentment about such requirements melt away when someone takes the time and shows the consideration to listen carefully to their concerns -- even when the final answer is "I understand how you might feel that way, but it is still going to be required of everyone, including you."
As a side note, I would urge that any time you are asked to administer a mandatory process (new agreement, training, other event, etc.), you . . .
1. have an eyeball to eyeball conversation with the Pres. that says, "Now, we WILL terminate anyone that doesn't comply, even if it is (fill in the most valuable sales person, researcher, executive or whatever), right?" And
2. the materials you issue with the announcement make abundantly clear that this is in fact mandatory.
Steve McElfresh, PhD
HR Futures