Take it out, or else!!!

Quick question, we had a highly-paid consultant in to promote, union avoidance to our management group. During his lecture, he strongly advised that we remove our "employment-at-will" statement from our employee handbook.
His argument was that if a union were to come organize our shop, they would use that statement against us......telling our employees they really have no job security, b/c we can fire them for any reason (which we all know employment-at-will" really doesn't exist in our litigious society!)
Any comments on this issue?
His argument was that if a union were to come organize our shop, they would use that statement against us......telling our employees they really have no job security, b/c we can fire them for any reason (which we all know employment-at-will" really doesn't exist in our litigious society!)
Any comments on this issue?
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
language out! You didn't indicate in your posting whether this "consultant" was a labor attorney--just curious.
I agree with everyone else - and I don't believe his argument is anywhere near strong enough to even support his position to take the 'at-will' status out. Too much damage is done if you take 'at-will' out...
"Nothing contained in this policy manual or in any other materials or information distributed by the organization creates a contract of employment between an employee and [Organization name]. Employment is on an at-will basis. This means that employees are free to resign their employment at any time, for any reason, and [Organization name] retains that same right."
Margaret Morford
I am preparing management training in union avoidance, and have been reviewing the UAW, UFCW, Teamsters and other websites to understand the enemy. (I fought the egg sucking dogs for 15+ years, and am now happily in a non-union facility for 6 years.)
Know your enemy, and you are ALL correct - they use the entire handbook and spin it worse than a previous president's staff.
After reading your reply I realized that I haven't laughed that hard in a long time - 'egg sucking dogs' - I love it and I'm going to use it!
Egg Suckin' Dogs is an old one in the South. It carries with it exactly the level of disdain and disrespect as it sounds like it does. But to state it correctly, one must leave the 'g' off suckin'. And, oh yes, you must also pronounce it Dawgs. I think the correct visual is an old coon-hound, eaten up with ticks and fleas, lying in the soft dirt up under a cool wooden porch, scratchin' one ear and lickin' egg shells somebody chunked out the back door with this mornings biscuits.