fighting unemployment

We fired a manager for not performing a vital function of his job. By not making weekly price changes in his department he cost the company a SUBSTANTIAL
amount of money. We only discovered this after we hired a programmer that discovered the lack of activity.
He has a lot of experience in his line of work and there is no way he can HONESTLY claim that he did not know he had to make the changes.
On top of that he was a belligerent,abusive,tantrum throwing creep. I had implored management for months to document his behavior( as I do with all disciplinary complaints, procedures etc. and I am routinely ignored)but they did'nt.
Now he is filing for unemployment and the Boss wants me to fight it tooth and nail. Of course I have no documentation except the reports that show his lack of performance and a document that I wrote stating the reason that we fired him(gross negligence that costs the company money which is in our policy manual for which he signed an acknowledgement) and that upon termination he called the programmer a sexist slur and the finance manager a religious slur.
What else can I do to fight the claim? I have only gone to one appeal and in that case the ex ee didn't show. I can produce signed testaments from colleagues that prove he did not show for required meetings, also in the policy manual. Oh yeah, he also pulled the race card as he was calling people every foul name in the book.
amount of money. We only discovered this after we hired a programmer that discovered the lack of activity.
He has a lot of experience in his line of work and there is no way he can HONESTLY claim that he did not know he had to make the changes.
On top of that he was a belligerent,abusive,tantrum throwing creep. I had implored management for months to document his behavior( as I do with all disciplinary complaints, procedures etc. and I am routinely ignored)but they did'nt.
Now he is filing for unemployment and the Boss wants me to fight it tooth and nail. Of course I have no documentation except the reports that show his lack of performance and a document that I wrote stating the reason that we fired him(gross negligence that costs the company money which is in our policy manual for which he signed an acknowledgement) and that upon termination he called the programmer a sexist slur and the finance manager a religious slur.
What else can I do to fight the claim? I have only gone to one appeal and in that case the ex ee didn't show. I can produce signed testaments from colleagues that prove he did not show for required meetings, also in the policy manual. Oh yeah, he also pulled the race card as he was calling people every foul name in the book.
I had one denial appealed recently. A nurse walked off at the beginning of a shift, when she was supposed to relieve someone who'd already worked 12 hours. It was a night with bad weather and the other staff was running late, (but did show up soon.) She got mad, said "I'm not working short-staffed." and walked out. We called it job abandonment. I had all kinds of documentation from people who heard her statements. But she whined to the appeals officer about how sick she was and that's why she left. He bought her story and ruled that "leaving because you are sick" isn't reason to deny unemployment. He wouldn't admit any of the documentation I had into the record. Sometimes you just can't win.
Good luck!
>can HONESTLY claim that he did not know he had to make the changes.
So i guess he'll probably be DISHONEST and claim that he didn't know how to make the changes, UNLESS you can pull out a signed document proving otherwise.
>On top of that he was a belligerent,abusive,tantrum throwing creep. I
>had implored management for months to document his behavior( as I do
>with all disciplinary complaints, procedures etc. and I am routinely
>ignored)but they did'nt.
If they didn't document it then it didn't happen.
I can produce signed
>testaments from colleagues that prove he did not show for required
>meetings, also in the policy manual.
Was he disciplined for these violations? Were there meetings addressing these issues? Is there documentation to prove all of this? If he was never addressed about his attendance at so-called mandatory meetings, that means that tacit approval for his absences was given by his supervisors. I don't think you have a very good case here at all. My advice would be to use this loss as a springboard to educate the Boss on the value of having a strong HR office, empowered to compel managers to utilize sound practices.
In our discussions about this the boss has exhibited complete shock that UI would accept him. He waves the reports around and goes "but...but LOOK at these!!"
He has offered to accompany me to the hearing and at first I said no that we would be better off with unbiased witnesses to his behavior. Now I'm thinking that him going would be an eyeopener for him. What do you think?
Why is it so hard to get people to document!
>that we would be better off with unbiased witnesses to his behavior.
>Now I'm thinking that him going would be an eyeopener for him. What do
>you think?
Don is correct. Your attendance at the hearing will do nothing to change the outcome. Your former EE will most likely receive UC benefits. However, I like the idea of taking the Boss down there anyway, if for no other reason than to give him an education as to why he needs a strong HR department. If you think you'll get some milage out of it then do it. Good luck.
Employee had CHRONIC attendance problems: final warning in December after three months of 50+ tardies. Then 40+ more tardies. Then she calls off work three days in a row because she doesn't have a ride. We termed her in April.
We lost the appeal because it "wasn't her fault" that her ride couldn't bring her in, therefore no "willful disregard". It was also in her defense that she called in according to policy.
If I had to do it again, I would term her AGAIN, just much more quickly. I did give her supervisor heck for not notifying me immediately upon the next infraction after the final warning. (vs. letting it continue for four more months...)
As we rode the elevator down to the lobby after the hearing, the employee asked me if she was eligible for rehire because she really liked working for us. (After allowing 90+ tardies in six months, I can see why!) I told her to get a job elsewhere, achieve a few years of verifiable good attendance, then apply and we'll consider it.
There's my vent for the day.
I did lose a case this year where an employee "relieved themselves" on some barrels in the production area, and I had facts, footprints that matched his shoes, etc., and the ALJ and appeals said I should have had a "rule" about not urinating on the shop floor. Go figure!