Sexual Harrassment

Does anyone have any suggestions of good sexual harrassment and workplace violence videos? I would like to do an in-service on these topics and need some newer versions that are not so corny! Any help would be appreciated


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Our company offers an excellent video tape series which addresses both of those topics. It is called: 10 Danger Zones for Supervisors and is excellent. Go to: [url][/url], for more information.

    Anne Williams
    Attorney Editor
    M. Lee Smith Publishers, LLC
  • I highly recommend "Sexual Harassment: Is It Or Isn't It?" by American Media Inc. It is the first tape I have ever used in training that really engages the audience and promotes discussion of the topic. It presents several scenarios that are not blatant sexual harassment and then lets the trainer stop the tape to discuss whether the clip just viewed was or wasn't sexual harassment. It's a great tape and I can't say too many good things about it. And I think it comes in office, hospitality and manufacturing versions. I give it two thumbs WAY up! x:-)
  • Go to [url][/url] - that's one place you can look for videos, etc.
    As for the workplace violence, I'd call the police dept. there and see if they could have someone come out and do a presentation on prevention. They've done it for us before at no charge. Usually they have someone who specialized in community affairs that handles that kind of thing.
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