Right to Work State

I'm hoping someone can help me understand something... I am fairly new to Arizona and have recently been hearing managers/supervisors talk about Arizona being a "right to work" state... but when they are saying that, they are referring to it being "easier" to terminate someone - we can basically do it "without cause" if we want. As I'm from CA I am very familiar with Employment at Will - also realizing that we never want to terminate someone without cause, regardless of "employment at will".. but, when I look up "Right to Work" I am only finding that it pertains to prohibiting the denial of employment because of non-membership in a union. As we are not union, where are they getting the idea that it means being able to terminate with no cause?? Am I missing something??
Margaret Morford
Right to work is more complicated. Under federal labor laws, it is permissible for a union contract (a collective bargaining agreement) to include a provision that requires that all employees become members of the union, UNLESS there is a state law in place which protects the employee's "right to work" without having to become a union member. The National Right to Work Foundation's website can provide you with more information. I am attaching a link which identifies the 22 right to work states. [url]http://www.nrtw.org/rtws.htm[/url]
David Nagle
Editor, Virginia Employment Law Letter