Sales reps on straight commissions

Hi all
We pay base + commission to our sales reps and treat them as employees for all benefits, etc. We are entertaining the idea of hiring someone in Missouri who will work on a straight commission only. Are there pitfalls to watch out for? Does anyone know if MO has an independent sales rep act like the state of IL? (In IL, that law clarifies that they are not employees subject to wage payment and collection act). All recommendations/suggestions welcome b/c I have no time to research this one. thanks
We pay base + commission to our sales reps and treat them as employees for all benefits, etc. We are entertaining the idea of hiring someone in Missouri who will work on a straight commission only. Are there pitfalls to watch out for? Does anyone know if MO has an independent sales rep act like the state of IL? (In IL, that law clarifies that they are not employees subject to wage payment and collection act). All recommendations/suggestions welcome b/c I have no time to research this one. thanks