Giving An EE A Ride

Today a new ee who recently relocated here to come work for us asked me to give him a ride to his car dealers because his car broke down on his way to work this morning. He really doesn't know anyone yet. My gut instinct is to give the guy a ride but I do not want to start a trend. Also if something were to happen should I be concerned about acting as an agent of the company?
1. Precedent. "If I do it now, I will be bound forever more." Horsepucky, at least as regards issues of non-discriminatory human compassion.
2. Risk. "I/we/they might get sued." Yes, you might. Indeed, if you stay in this profession long enough, you will. Guarenteed. So think about where you create risk, how much, and whether or not it might be worth it. Sometimes it is. And you can avoid it entirely only by moving to a deserted island.
On the question of giving rides, I am reminded of my very first job interview as an honest-to-god (junior) professional. I was flying into Elkhart, IN late on Sunday night. To my amasement and immense relief, the recruiter was in the terminal (such as it was) with his wife. Said they had been out at a movie and decided to swing by and make sure I got to my hotel. If the rest of the job had been anything like that recruiter, I would be a happy Hoosier today.
Now, I do need to add that I no longer give folks rides home from company events when they have had a little too much to drink. Has nothing to do with legal risk, though. After one round of cleaning out the back seat I made sure the company stocked up on taxi chits.
Warm regards,
Steve McElfresh, PhD
HR Futures
We have supervisors here who leave the building to drive 15 minutes one way to pick up a guy who called because his ride didn't show up. The shift is without a supervisor, until the super returns. Unbelievable to me, but the owners of the company started it, believe it or not, and where does it end!??
It makes me nuts!
We have guys who walk home because they don't have a driver's license. The other day it was raining and I was driving out of the parking lot at the same time they were leaving and I didn't stop and offer a ride. You guys are making me feel bad! Stop it!
Thank you for your support. That's why I "tune in" to the forum each day.