Buying Vacation Time

Employees' merit increases when into effect July 1. Consequently, the issue came up whether employees should be allowed to buy additional vacation time with their merit increase (opting for more vacation time versus receiving a merit increase). Do your employees have the option of buying additional vacation time with their increase? Can their pay be decreased (voluntarily) in order to pay for additional vacation time? Is there a limit to how much vacation time an employee can accrue? What issues do we need to be aware of, such as pay equity issues, tax implications? What are the pros and cons of such a program? Do you have a written policy? I would greatly appreciate any help you provide.
Recently, in lieu of a furlough, we offered to allow people to purchase an additional 40 hours of vacation as long as they took it during a specific 5 week period.
1) Are your ee's using pre-tax dollars to buy their vacation time?
2) If yes, what IRS reg allows employers to withhold at a pre-tax rate and then pay at a taxed rate for this benefit?
Thanks for your help -
We also allow employees who earn three weeks of vacation or more to sell one week back at year end, if it's unused.