Employee Breaks

In our organization we run straight 8 hour shifts. During a regular shift employees are given one 7 minute break and one 15 minute break, all paid by the company. If they work more than 8 hours they are given another 7 minute break. Employees are also given the freedom to go to the breakroom during the day to get soda, coffee, etc..
The problem we are having is employees taking "extra" breaks. Instead of a seven minute break, it turns into 15-20 minutes from the time they leave their workstation until they return. For the longer break it sometimes turns into 30 minutes before they return to their workstation. Obviously this is frustrating management since jobs aren't getting done on time and production time is being lost.
I have asked the supervisors to talk to their employees but the response they get is, "so and so can do it, why can't I?". In speaking the the manufacturing director yesterday he suggested having someone from management actually sit in the breakroom and make sure employees are returning to work on time. This means that approximately 1-2 hours of their day is spent babysitting.
I'm looking for other alternatives and hoping you guys can provide some suggestions. I want to make sure ALL employees are treated the same and the rules are enforced across the board or we are going to have issues with our union.
What do some of you do to ensure employees are working when they are supposed to be?
The problem we are having is employees taking "extra" breaks. Instead of a seven minute break, it turns into 15-20 minutes from the time they leave their workstation until they return. For the longer break it sometimes turns into 30 minutes before they return to their workstation. Obviously this is frustrating management since jobs aren't getting done on time and production time is being lost.
I have asked the supervisors to talk to their employees but the response they get is, "so and so can do it, why can't I?". In speaking the the manufacturing director yesterday he suggested having someone from management actually sit in the breakroom and make sure employees are returning to work on time. This means that approximately 1-2 hours of their day is spent babysitting.
I'm looking for other alternatives and hoping you guys can provide some suggestions. I want to make sure ALL employees are treated the same and the rules are enforced across the board or we are going to have issues with our union.
What do some of you do to ensure employees are working when they are supposed to be?
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
We have tried everything...being nice...coercion...threats. Nothing seems to be working. Our management is strongly considering mandating that employees clock in and out for breaks to see how many are being taken in the course of a day. This, of course, is still paid time, but if employees know this is being tracked and it can be documented for disciplinary procedures, they may pay more attention to it. Don't know if this will even make a difference, but it's worth a try.