Employee Quits - Then wants to come back

We have a supervisor who quit earlier today leaving us high and dry. 3 hours later calls another supervisor in another dept. and tells him he wants to give us his two week notice instead. The supervisor relays the information to the VP of the company she does not want to do this. After he quit we brushed ourselves off and began filling in the gaps. EE did not have a good working relationship with many of his co-workers we are not worried about covering the position. What is our responsibility to this ee we are an At-will state (CA)?
Many years ago I had an employee given notice, then change his mind 42 times within the two week notice. I thought I would scream. What I didn't know is that everytime he changed his mind he went home and loaded or unloaded the moving truck. There was so much more going on with him, but until this happened we didn't fully understand.
Stick to you guns, justbe prepared to pay unemployment.
Also - we have instituted having blank resignation forms handy so that when someone says they quit and head for the door, a supervisor (or HR person) can head them off and have them date and sign the resignation.
Ta Da!