My SPOILED Employee!!

This just gets even more outrageous as we speak!! For those of you that read my last posting about my spoiled secretary, listen to what's next. She has made friends with a gentleman that works across the hall. He obviously feels comfortable with coming in our office & sitting across from my secretary, will call her Alice, & he has ongoing conversations with her quite frequently.
Ok, first of all let me back up a little she is now on salary, her hours are 8:30 to 4:30. She claims that there are many times she is here at 8:00, but we are not here to varify that. Although occasionally my husband or myself do come in early & she has not been here at 8, but ok, anyway in a conversation with Alice's across the hall friend, & mind you right in front of me she went on & on about how she likes coming in early when she is by herself, & that is her time to have coffee, breakfast, watch tv, answer her e mails, etc. She made it very clear that when my husband or myself come in early that she has to start work right away & it messes up her morning. Besides the fact that she only works an 8 hour day, we do not make her take a lunch, & she leaves for about 40 minutes each day every other week to pick her daughter up & has made no effort to make up the time, (except for coming in at 8, so she says. When we agreed to put her on salary we did tell her that it was something we are going to do on a trial basis,when she turns in her time sheet she puts in 8 hours for everyday, instead of putting in the real hours she has worked.
I have had it with her!! But I need to hold on for a couple weeks, & maybe just keep documenting everything, which has turned out to be a full time job lately. I know we did this to ourselves, but now it is time to get out of the mess we have created. Is there anything leagally we should be worried about? I know she is the type of person to keep a journal, & I wouldn't doubt if she is working on a law suite if we fire her. But I have been keeping documents of everything also. Help??
Ok, first of all let me back up a little she is now on salary, her hours are 8:30 to 4:30. She claims that there are many times she is here at 8:00, but we are not here to varify that. Although occasionally my husband or myself do come in early & she has not been here at 8, but ok, anyway in a conversation with Alice's across the hall friend, & mind you right in front of me she went on & on about how she likes coming in early when she is by herself, & that is her time to have coffee, breakfast, watch tv, answer her e mails, etc. She made it very clear that when my husband or myself come in early that she has to start work right away & it messes up her morning. Besides the fact that she only works an 8 hour day, we do not make her take a lunch, & she leaves for about 40 minutes each day every other week to pick her daughter up & has made no effort to make up the time, (except for coming in at 8, so she says. When we agreed to put her on salary we did tell her that it was something we are going to do on a trial basis,when she turns in her time sheet she puts in 8 hours for everyday, instead of putting in the real hours she has worked.
I have had it with her!! But I need to hold on for a couple weeks, & maybe just keep documenting everything, which has turned out to be a full time job lately. I know we did this to ourselves, but now it is time to get out of the mess we have created. Is there anything leagally we should be worried about? I know she is the type of person to keep a journal, & I wouldn't doubt if she is working on a law suite if we fire her. But I have been keeping documents of everything also. Help??
Not sure what you have been dicumenting but the conversation you have with her next again lay the law down and set the expecation of her the document.
Good Luck
I have been in a similar situation. Good Luck
Once she starts punching the clock, you will have a clear trail of documentation as to what hours she works. Get ready to hear her scream when you make her start punching a clock!
Did the DOL give you a source citing where it states an employee on an 8-5 schedule must take a lunch between 11:00 and 2:00? Was it specific to your state or federal?
Each state is free to determine employee rest periods. Some require specified times and duration, others have no requirements.
1. In a written format, tell her you are taking her off salaried status and back on hourly, get a timeclock she has to punch, give her 30days to shape up or get out!
2. Document like crazy
3. Talk to an attorney just in case but If you are in an Employment-at-will state and you have not given her a GLOWING Written review, you should be just fine either way.
I am disgusted sheis taking advantage of you and your husband!
Opps, pretty much said the same thing as para already did. Sorry.
Would also add to suggest to the "gentleman across the hall" that if he is in need of more work to decrease his down time you would be happy to find him some.
Salaried and exempt are not the same thing. She will still be entitled to overtime as a "salaried, non-exempt" employee if she works more than 40 hours per week. The problem is, you can't establish that she doesn't work more than 40 hours. Even if she says she comes in early and doesn't take a lunch, the DOL will make you pay her because you allowed it.
Definitely put her back on hourly and set her hours - in a written (and signed) job description.
Keep us up on the saga.
If you do what everyone else suggested, particularly document problems, you stand a much better chance of coming out ahead.
But you are right about the 20+ people, we have had so many offers & women who are just waiting for us to get rid of her. We really do try to be the kind of employers we wish we could have had. But it most certainly can not be at the business expense.
Ok, I have to go over all the responses again & make my plan of attack.
Thanks again, & I will keep you posted.
PS Quit buying her lunch
You have been a wonderful employer who has clearly been taken advantage of by a spoiled and undeserving employee. I hope you will consider your next secretary carefully and treat him/her almost as good as you have treated this one. I bet you will find an employee who is thrilled to work for such a giving company. Don't let this bad seed, turn you into a sour grape.
We will stay the same, no matter who else comes to work for us, I honestly believe that most people will enjoy our work enviroment, & I will not let 1 bad apple spoil it for anyone else, or for us. We enjoy be good, caring & generous employees but we will not be taken advantage of in this way. We will be very carefull not to let this happen again. Once again the old saying stands "live & learn".
We are new at this & we just don't want it to be a costly mistake. We are a smal company that feels we are fortunate to be making it in this econmy & were also feeling pretty good that we can employ people & give benifits and to just be making it these days.
Thanks again for all the responses from everyone!!