Help! Can an attorney ask for this?

If we have a corp officer, who is going through a divorce, recently take a wage deduction due to the company requested it. Can the opposing attorney ask to see the records showing if other officers also took wage deduction? I know this may be going alittle out of the realm of HR but, I am being asked by higher ups.
So I thought I would put it to the forumites for advice. Any responses are appreciated.xhugsx:*
So I thought I would put it to the forumites for advice. Any responses are appreciated.xhugsx:*
Good luck.
Consult your counsel on this one.
We're a public entity. There's a misconception about "public records." Several years ago the [then] mayor asked to see a department head's file. I got the nickname "File Nazi" because I would not hand it over without the managers signed permission.
Thank you for all the advice. Any other comments are appreciated.
I would recommend that before producing any type of employee records, you require either a subpoena, or a written release from the employee. Then, keep a copy of whatever you produce in a locked file, because I can guarantee that if there is a lawsuit, the opposing counsel will want the same info, and this will save you the headache of rounding up all the same info again.
Oh, and don't let an attorney "bully" you into releasing this information without a subpoena or release -- believe me, some of them will try!