Very short term labor, young workers

Every now and then i get a request to bring on somebody *very* short term for a small amount of money, to help out with a small task. Examples: a 14-year old to do 8 hours of data entry during the summer; an AA-type to coordinate a one-day workshop in an out-of-state location. We're talking about $100-$500 in compensation.
Does anyone have a policy/procedure that allows for those short-term, one-time-only hires without going through the paperwork of putting them on the payroll? I'm envision something that requires the work permit assurances (Employment Certificate for young workers, I-9, etc.) but does not process all the other stuff that results in putting them on the payroll only to take them right off.
Does anyone have a policy/procedure that allows for those short-term, one-time-only hires without going through the paperwork of putting them on the payroll? I'm envision something that requires the work permit assurances (Employment Certificate for young workers, I-9, etc.) but does not process all the other stuff that results in putting them on the payroll only to take them right off.
You may want to contact your local school district office and your state employment office. Both of ours have checklists for employing underage labor - even for brief periods of time.
I'd first post the need to all my existing employees - pay a little bit of overtime to someone who really needs it just this once, or find someone who usualy works fewer hours who has the flexibility/ability to take on a one-time project.
Or, if the available team member is exempt, maybe offer a "thank you" gift for the extra effort: lunch with the boss, something for their desk/work area, etc.
I agree about payrolling through a temp agency. Then you don't have to do any of the paperwork. It may cost you a couple of extra dollars in pay, but you won't pay W/C insurance, unemployment, social security as well as cost involved in payrolling.
Also, have you ever thought of asking present employees if anyone might be interested in doing a special project and putting in a little extra time. May be a good development opportunity or a chance to make a few extra dollars.
Thanks, Judy