Cell phone Abuse

Our company provides a number of employees with cell phones to facilitate the day to day company business. However, we have been advised by our corporate office two of these employees have consistent a high total consumption of minutes (in accordance with their responsibility)resulting in cell phones bills in excess of $300.00 average. Many of these calls were done during work time. We have other employees performing the same job and their phone bills are an aerage of $40.00 per month. We also have employees that travel for business, sales etc and their phone bills have been in line with their line of work averaging $100.00 to 200.00 when they travel out of state. Our Director of Operations is extremely upset and feels that these employees have abused their priveledges. He feels he can't trust them and he wants to terminate these employees. Can anyone outhere share some thoughts or concerns with that decission?
Thanks for your input in advance.
Thanks for your input in advance.
Good Luck!
Another option to consider is that if they are out on business alot, there may be reasons for having personal calls more than normal (unless of course they are doing this every month) a month. You might want to consider giving the employees the option of splitting the cost with you for personal calls they make over a certain limit. This way you keep down costs, and they are able to make the personal calls. Just curious -Has their job performance suffered as well?