New Hire No Show

It does not happen often, but this week I had a person who was supposed to start just not show up, he did not call, nothing.
I was discussing the situation with the manager and we were discussing the costs associated with hiring people, background checks, drug tests etc.
I am wondering what all of you gurus think of charging people who do not start and do not give say, 48 hour notice for the costs incurred. The wording could easily be put into the releases they sign. That way if they no call no show from the beginning a company would be able to recoup their expenses.
What are your thoughts. I am looking for your $0.02 worth.
PS I am wearing my kelvar clothing.
DJ The Balloonman
I was discussing the situation with the manager and we were discussing the costs associated with hiring people, background checks, drug tests etc.
I am wondering what all of you gurus think of charging people who do not start and do not give say, 48 hour notice for the costs incurred. The wording could easily be put into the releases they sign. That way if they no call no show from the beginning a company would be able to recoup their expenses.
What are your thoughts. I am looking for your $0.02 worth.
PS I am wearing my kelvar clothing.
DJ The Balloonman
It seems like that would be more trouble then the money you lose to begin with. Another solution, since you are in Missouri, is the Full Employment Council. They have subsidized grants to help pay training, etc. I would be happy to give you contact information if you like.
Perhaps, if it is not too much - you could have future new hires agree ( when they sign the offer letter ) pay for their testing up front, to be reimbursed by the employer after X number of days on the job. Just an idea.
I am thinking one paragraph added on the the release saying the applicant agrees to reimburse the company for all preemployment expenses if they fail to show for work and notify the company at least 48 hours before they are to start. Applicant also agrees to reimburse company for all expenses related to the collection of this money.
The manager of the no call no show from the other day thinks we should send him an invoice.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Ballooman
Perfroming tonight at Kauffman Stadium as the Royal beat up the Cards.
Reckon anybody out there has anything like an 'application fee' whereby the fee of those not hired is returned and if they are hired and quit, they forfeit the fee. Or is that the telephone hook-up process that does that?
Pretty standard to have to pay relocation expenses if you quit within a certain time frame as long as it is not an unreasonable length. I have signed those, and had others sign them in the past. Same with sign on bonuses.
Well it is somewhat comforting to hear that others have the same issue. It amazes me in today's job market that someone would pass on a good employment with a good company. I have no shows, and then I just hired a salesperson away from Coke, go figure.
Rockie, I think I will send him that invoice, see what happens.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman