Pay for rehearsal time?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 06-26-03 AT 03:45PM (CST)[/font][p]We have a group of part-time performers who work for us 10-20 nights per year. They are paid as employees when they perform for us and as such are covered under our Washington on-the-job injury insurance, L&I. They have recently been asking if we can cover them with insurance for their rehearsal time which has led us to contemplate whether this rehearsal time should actually be compensable time. We want to do what's right and certainly don't want to see someone hurt themself without insurance coverage. It seems like the gym where they rehearse might have coverage??? I may need to consult my attorney on this but does anyone have any ideas to where I can go to find information on this subject - or have any of you ever dealt with something similar before?
I just re-read and my question isn't clear...
My question is: Should we be paying them for rehearsal time?
I just re-read and my question isn't clear...
My question is: Should we be paying them for rehearsal time?
We have our own concert hall so scheduled rehearsals and performances are for the most part held here. It has been my understanding that even when we are rehearsing or performing outside of our hall all the musicians (and stage hands, for that matter) are covered under our workers comp insurance because they are on our payroll.
Hope this helps.
>want to go out and buy a ticket!
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