Union Fears

From what I have read on this forum Unions are a nightmare from an HR perspective. Well the employees are rumbling about unions (which has been on and off for years but stronger this time).
I know nothing about unions.
Can anyone tell me the pros/cons and what I can do to legally prevent it from happening(if there is one) and what arguments I can use to dissuade ee's from going in that direction?
Again, I am completely ignorant about unions so if what I have asked for is way out of line,please go easy on me.
I know nothing about unions.
Can anyone tell me the pros/cons and what I can do to legally prevent it from happening(if there is one) and what arguments I can use to dissuade ee's from going in that direction?
Again, I am completely ignorant about unions so if what I have asked for is way out of line,please go easy on me.
If you're an Employment Law Letter subscriber, you can find a kajillion articles about union organizing in the subscribers area of this website at no extra charge. Log in at [url]http://www.HRhero.com[/url] . If you don't already subscribe x:o you can get a free trial subscription, which includes access to the entire website. Go to [url]http://www.HRhero.com/empnl.shtml[/url]
And, yes, consulting a lawyer would be a real good idea.
I didn't mean for this to become a sales pitch, but you really don't want to step into this unawares.
James Sokolowski
But I still want to know what the cons are so I know what I will be up against.
Why would the employees vote against a union? I thought most people would want the union?
All I know (or guess) about the cons is that it would interfere with our ability to discipline or terminate bad ee's
Unions provide employees with a sense of "security" (not that I agree) in the sense that their raises are guaranteed, it can be more difficult to terminate a "bad" employee, and they feel they (the employees) can run to their union reps whenever they feel "mistreated". These are comments I have heard from the employees regarding the union. On the bad side, upward movement for employees is usually based on seniority, so a marginal performer with seniority may move into a position someone else with less seniority would probably do better in, which irritates the lesser senior person.
I agree with all the posts about not talking to any employee regarding any of this without seeking legal counsel first. The NLRB tends to frown on this type of behavior from employers.
In the unionized companies I have worked for, one (my previous employer) will probably never be without a union because upper management doesn't treat these people very well - in fact the union went on strike while I was employed in HR there (not a fun thing to go through). My current employer is also unionized although I have heard much discussion regarding wanting to "get rid of" the union. Since we are coming up on negotiations, we'll see what happens.
In any event, good luck - you have a long road ahead.
You will have a learning curve ahead of you, whether you go through a successful campaign (if that becomes necessary), or whether you become unionized, but it's all fun! And ... we'll be here to help.
Good Luck
I can use your responses to persuade the GM to take this threat seriously.
I am dreading the possibility but I welcome the chance to learn about a new part of HR.
So far much good advice, but Linda hit the nail on the head as to why people look to unions: "In the unionized companies I have worked for, one (my previous employer) will probably never be without a union because upper management doesn't treat these people very well..."
The reason a union gets their foot in the door is because management has not been doing a good job. Not that this is always the case, but often it is. Are the employees treated fairly, and feel like they are valued and appreciated? If so life will be good. If just a few bad apples are stirring the union pot you will probably be okay, but you still need to get some legal advice and training for all management and superviors.
As I have worked in 4 union environments I will say that you can fire people, you just have to go through the steps, and make sure you cross all your t's and dot the i's. Then once you get them there it is a done deal ....usually.
Good luck.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman