EE's using own vehicle for business purposes

We have a situation where our employees are required to transport clients to certain appointments occasionally. According to our insurance agent, if the employee is involved in an accident with a client in their own car, it is their primary auto insurance that is to cover the liability and physical damage. Their primary also covers any liability to the client. Our company's non-owned auto liability only covers as secondary. I was wondering if anyone else had the same type of situation out there. I always thought that if you were using your car for business purposes, then the company's insurance covered any liability or physical damage if you were involved in an accident. Any comments on this subject would be appreciated.
In my present company, we have made notice to our employees of the $100,000.00 deductable on our liability coverage, which is the starting point for company liability, ( the deepest pocket) which means to the employee, that we should have at least liability coverage up to a $100,000.00. At that point the companies' liability can be included. If I do not have coverage up to $100,000.00 and I had an accident, then I would be, possibly, responsible for the gap! I recommend you discuss the issue with your liability insurance company.
If an employee is driving their own personal vehicle and is in an accident, then their personal policy is responsible. (However, any injuries to the driver will likely be covered under work comp if they are on the job at the time of the accident.)
If the person lets insurance lapse, and gets into an accident, the only one with money will be the company.
Good Luck!