HELP Uncooperative Manager

I've requested the department managers to inform HR when they become aware that one of their employees has married, given birth or divorced. The employees are told that they are responsible to do this however being human they neglect most times to do so and this causes problems down the line for the employee when the realize their new spouse/step children don't have insurance coverage, etc. I have one manager who is refusing to cooperate as she doesn't feel "comfortable" reporting such things to HR. Anyone care to offer a response for me to give her?
This comes under "Hand-Holding 101". Those businesses who do this sort of thing send the message that it's HR's responsibility to keep up with my personal situation and somebody in 'personnel' will keep up with my phone number and will be responsible for updating it on some list available to supervisors and 'the girl' in HR will be sure my dependents are current and correct in my insurance file. Or it's my supervisor's job to give HR this information, not mine, or "Payroll oughta know where I live since they send my W-2".
Put the responsibility where it lies. I used to pass out update forms once each year requesting any and all changes in a fill in the blanks format, with a clear disclaimer that it is the employee's responsibility to inform HR of any changes as they occur.
I know, that is being retaliatory. But, the point is cooperation is a 2-way street. She needs to realize that.