UC Problem

We have a Union employee....let's call her LP. Since March of 2003, for her own personal reasons, LP has requested and been granted three transfers to three different positions. This has caused her weekly hours and hourly wage to fluctuate somewhat (40 hrs a week to 32.5, then back to 40). A few weeks ago I received an inquiry for wage information from our local (loco?) Unemployment office here in Philadelphia. Apparently LP filed an Unemployment claim back in March when she transfered to the 32.5 hour job, claiming the transfer was involuntary, which I personally know to be untrue. She was awarded partial benefits, which we were billed for in May (we are on the reimburseable system). I never saw an official determination, so I could not appeal the decision. That is a separate issue, which I have taken up with the UC office. My question for the Forum is: I would very, very much....so much it makes my teeth hurt....like to discipline 'ol LP.....particularly since it was I who went to bat for her to get the transfers in the first place. I feel that she has committed fraud. Does anyone see a pitfall here? Keep in mind that she's a Union employee. I'm not going to fire her, however, if she keeps filing claims it would escalate to that. Thanks.
Good luck!