bulletin board postings, notices, etc.

Must everything the Company posts as information, wheter on breakroom doors, bulletin boards,within departments be signed and dated? What rules should be followed to eliminate employees posting union organization information? We refer to bulletin boards in our handbook as follows - are we covered?:
The Company bulletin board is conveniently located just outside the break area. Information posted on this board is important. Please make it a daily practice to read bulletins and do your part to keep yourself informed. Only authorized personnel will be allowed to post or remove items from the Company bulletin board.
A bulletin board is located in the break area for your personal use. All items should be submitted to the Human Resource Department for posting. Items may remain up for a maximum of two weeks. This will prevent overcrowding and give all employees an opportunity to use the board. Any items not dated or initialed by Human Resources will be removed.
The Company will have ultimate control of the employee bulletin board. Material which is of a political or controversial nature will be removed. The Company shall have the right to remove the employee bulletin board in the event this privilege is abused. Materials may not be posted on the walls or doors.
The Company bulletin board is conveniently located just outside the break area. Information posted on this board is important. Please make it a daily practice to read bulletins and do your part to keep yourself informed. Only authorized personnel will be allowed to post or remove items from the Company bulletin board.
A bulletin board is located in the break area for your personal use. All items should be submitted to the Human Resource Department for posting. Items may remain up for a maximum of two weeks. This will prevent overcrowding and give all employees an opportunity to use the board. Any items not dated or initialed by Human Resources will be removed.
The Company will have ultimate control of the employee bulletin board. Material which is of a political or controversial nature will be removed. The Company shall have the right to remove the employee bulletin board in the event this privilege is abused. Materials may not be posted on the walls or doors.