Attendance Exceptions?

With customer service being at the forefront of my company's mission, attendance issues are not takenvery lightly as our service standards are severly impacted when employees are out or late without notice. For this reason, I highlight the significance of attendance in our firm with each employee during his/her orientation.
Presently, we have employees in key positions whose attendance has been very much in conflict with our requirements, despite repeated warnings/discussions, etc. One of these employees recently brought it to my attention that the reason he is late is due to medical reasons that existed prior to his start with the firm. It was made clear to him during his interview process that he would be in a supervisory position, setting an example for his team, and looked to by his subordinates for technical guidance.
Are we required to make an exception to our own rules for this employee and not for others? We have 30 employees, all of which are exempt. Prior to starting with the firm, he was well aware of the position requirements, and yet, had not indicated that he may need flexibility in this arena. In fact, he started with the company in February, and has been late almost every day since, choosing only recently to advise us of his condition.
Any help would be greatly appreciated - it is a sticky situation legally, yes, but we are also concerned witb the message this sends to our other employees.
Presently, we have employees in key positions whose attendance has been very much in conflict with our requirements, despite repeated warnings/discussions, etc. One of these employees recently brought it to my attention that the reason he is late is due to medical reasons that existed prior to his start with the firm. It was made clear to him during his interview process that he would be in a supervisory position, setting an example for his team, and looked to by his subordinates for technical guidance.
Are we required to make an exception to our own rules for this employee and not for others? We have 30 employees, all of which are exempt. Prior to starting with the firm, he was well aware of the position requirements, and yet, had not indicated that he may need flexibility in this arena. In fact, he started with the company in February, and has been late almost every day since, choosing only recently to advise us of his condition.
Any help would be greatly appreciated - it is a sticky situation legally, yes, but we are also concerned witb the message this sends to our other employees.
If all of this was indicated things were fine then you may be able to term for that. But you must get some very specific details as to what his condition is and why he cannot make it in on time. Sounds to me that he could get up earlier, and be there on time.
You do have the concern that it could be ADA, he does not qualify for FMLA yet. Since you were not aware of a disability and he did not inform you until you started discussing discipline I would terminate once I had all the information on the medical condition so I felt comfortable I would not be unpleasantly surprised. Again I may get blasted but I would terminate him.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Actually, the ee stated he suffers from a sleep disorder caused by ceasing medication and treatment 5 years ago for a condition that occurred over 10 years ago. (My head is still spinning from this one.)
He also furthered that his irregular sleeping patterns will eventually cease, yet does not state when or why. Although he did offer to provide us with the name and number to his medical provider for more info on his medical condition.
In all logical approaches, I do not feel we need to change our service standards to accomodate someone who cannot make it to the office on time, regardless of the reason. This ee has been in the industry long enough to know that flex time just does not work with the key position he is in. If there were any other positions where our clients would not be affected, then we would certainly explore them; however, there are none as each position in the company in one form or another has direct interaction with clients.
Even in the event you never fully covered the duties prior to hire, you may not be precluded entirely from considering termination; but in that event I would consult legal counsel since he is claiming medical reasons for his inability.
>of the job. If he has to be there on time and he can't he needs to
>find another place to work. I'm no legal expert but being to work on
>time is generally an essential function.
Actually, a flexible work schedule is a rather common accommodation under ADA.
>Actually, a flexible work schedule is a rather common accommodation
>under ADA.
Not if they have to be there on time as Ashlyn clearly states.
Good luck.
James Sokolowski