Personnel Committees

Do any of you have Personnel Committees who review policies, evaluations, and personnel related problems? I envision the committee being comprised of managers from different divisions in the company, along with an HR representative. Many times, the perception is that HR is making all the decisions (generally discipline). With a committee, I'm wondering if employees would feel they would have a better chance of being treated fairly? Your thoughts on this are greatly appreciated.
Margaret Morford
Not to say...that we have not had to pull them back from trying to get involved in issues, policies, etc.
As Margaret said, you have to be careful here.
How much authority would this committee have? Would they set policy or just be advisory? What if they wanted to make a particular policy that you felt was not advisable based on your HR knowledge and were unable to persuade the others? Who has final authority?
As an HR professional, I do not participate in Operations committees or Accounting committees. If I were asked to be on an accounting committee I would ask why we hired accountants.
Nothing personal, I just don't like committees...
This is not a forum that would be used to discuss personnel decisions such as hiring, promoting or terminating employees.
I understand that people need a voice and need opportunities to give and receive feedback, but this file indicates to me a terrible time-wasting exercise. We also have a suggestion box and everybody has computerized access to a suggestion system for improvements plus we have multiple monthly group meetings by managers and supervisors. Seems to be overkill to me. A new committee? No way! Maybe someone can correct my perception of this.
We do have one employee team called the "Funkadelic Posse" (they named themselves) whose job it is to come up with ideas to make the work environment fun and upbeat and to suggest ways to improve morale. They recognize employee birthdays, anniversaries, etc. They aslo arrange employee get togethers like a pot luck dinner after work, and work with Marketing to coordinate special events and promotions our credit union is running. So far it has worked very well. It is composed of an employee from each dept. with one manager and VP as advisors..completely voluntary.
This is the only committee of sorts we plan on having..
>addressing group concerns we would be OK.
But that's literally impossible. Have you ever been in a group meeting of employees, standing or sitting at a head table sort of arrangement, and NOT been asked about or presented with 'group concerns'? Typically the meetings digress to precisely nothing but that.