soon to be ex, harassing receptionist

Our company's receptionist is going through a divorce. Up until today, the proceedings have not disrupted the workplace. I came into the lobby this morning and her eyes were puffy from crying and her roomate (who also works here) was trying to comfort her. Evidently, the soon to be ex-husband is calling her here at work, telling her what a bad person she is etc. Then he calls back to apologize. Since we have caller ID, I told her that it was okay not to take his call, even though her job is to answer the phones. I also instructed her that if she feels that she must take his call that she needs to tell him that when the phone call causes disruption in the workplace, that she is to hang up. I gave her a reference for our EAP ,again, shared my concern for her well-being and told her I want to make sure she feels like she is in a safe working environment. I had concerns that there may a threat of violence in the workplace however,there is no evidence of or threat of physical harassment, only verbal. Is there anything else I should do at this point?
Good luck.
These things are always very tricky as whatever you do may cause the harasser to escalate into violence. Hopefully, you have good security at your workplace.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman