Exit Interview Forms!

Can you tell me where you would place an exit interview form once completed with the employee? The agency I work for is arguing over the fact the exit interview form should not be in the personnel file. The PD feel they should have access to the forms and read what employees have said about them. My ED feels there maybe another place to put the exit interviews if we are only using them for data information only.

Any ideas or suggestions as how I can tackle this issue?



  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added

  • In my last life, I did not allow them in the file.. I kept them separate and did not let every Tom, Dick, Harry and Mary look at them. I gathered data, looked for trends etc. and did not share many specifics except with my boss who was the Exective Director. I was more interested in the big picture ie we needed to do more training or better orientation than comments on specific supervisors. Does PD stands for Program Director or Paranoid Director?
  • I wouldn't share this information with anyone but HR. The reason, if employees think the information will get back to their old supervisor, they will not be as forthcoming with information. We give our forms to the employees before their exit interview and make the name optional. This gives the employees a sense of security. You will often find out things would not have otherwise known.
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