race discrimination

I have an employee that quit for one reason and later is claiming race discrimination was the reason they quit. I did not even know this person was anything but caucasion. Doesn't an employer have a right to correct a situation like this before you are sued for it. The claim is being made through the EEOC in South Dakota. Their own evidence is only this persons claim. No one interviewed can say that they witnessed even one incidence yet they never said anything in the exit interview. Is this legal? What are my rights? Help!
In this case, what you should present is..
The letter of termination where this employee resigned citing why he was resigning, if he did submit one.
Any documentation of complaints, concerns, etc. that this person might have brought forward.
Any policy, handbook, etc. that you might have outlining what your reporting process is for an employee to bring issues of this type of the attention of the company.
If you have no complaints from this person, if you can at least show that you did have a reporting process and this individual did not take advantage of it, that will go a long way towards helping your case.
Good luck.
Your postings are inconsistent in that you say on one hand that you did not want this employee to resign yet you end with "they can't do their job". Try very hard to take the personal annoyance out and deal with the facts of the case. You and the company will probably be alright but don't color all discrimination claims with the same brush. I have seen both sides of this issue and it is not always pretty.