In and Ky stand on employee files

Do In. and Ky. laws state that an employee, current or past, has the right by law to see or receive copies of information contained in the employee's personnel file? We have a terminated employee who wants copies of records in his personnel file and information from a manager's computer concerning him.
As for the ee's rights regarding viewing the contents of their personnel file, this is state-specific. In Indiana, if you are a public er, then YES, the ee, current or termed, has the right to view the contents, to include documentation that specifies why the person was termed.
In Kentucky, the ee can also view their file (public employers). The only thing the er can keep from letting the ee view are those documents relating to an ongoing criminal or administrative investigation and employment examination materials.
For private employers, both states have no laws on access to personnel files, therefore, it's up to the er.