Is it MY problem?

It's 6:00 am, did not have my coffee yet and I've got a Department Manager standing in my office. He is notifying me of a complaint he received this morning from one of his employees. The employee is upset because someone is spitting on her car. She is positive that it happened in our parking lot because this is the second incident. The Manager then proceeds in VERY graphic detail, to describe how this substance looks and where on the vehicle it is located. Now I ask you, is this a HR problem? I did not have the foresight to develop a sputum policy nor did I anticipate that an employee would feel violated because of this occurrence. We do have the usual verbiage posted in the parking lot about not being responsible for personal property etc.
Is it now part of my job description to be cough cop? Do I take DNA samples? Where's Pork when I need him?
Thanks folks, I needed that. xx(
Is it now part of my job description to be cough cop? Do I take DNA samples? Where's Pork when I need him?
Thanks folks, I needed that. xx(
I would let the police handle it -- they wont do any thing about it either.
Not all females are spitting impaired and some use it as a weapon! Don't ask me how I know!
An alternate course of action, Ritaanz, would have been for you to wait for the man to shut up, then say, "Get me a cup of coffee, will ya?"
Are we all becoming hall monitors in an elementary school or what?
>wait for the man to shut up, then say, "Get me a cup of coffee, will
Thank you, kind sir. You have *just* made my day. :DD That's a brilliant retort and I wish I'd thought of it myself. Rest assured, I'll look for an opportunity to use it very soon!
If it's bad and no one else will do it HR gets it.
BTW... You should also expect to pay the employee of the "violated" car for the time she spends cleaning her car of any sputum deposited while parked on company property.
A regular customer of one of our stores came in and asked a cashier a favor. His garden tractor was about a mile away, at a repair shop, and he wanted to know if she would be willing to drive him to pick it up when she got off duty. He would then just ride the tractor through residential back streets to his home, which is across the street from the store. She agreed to do this (again, he's like the store's poster child... in there 2-3 times a day for 14 years, and nobody at the store saw anything odd about the favor).
According to the cashier, while on their way to the tractor, the customer tried to put his hand up her shorts and grabbed a breast. She doesn't want to press any charges, she wants me to take action. She's off duty, and it's off premises, but she now considers the store a hostile environment if the customer comes in.
Okay... this SOUNDS like a more difficult situation than it turned out to be. I called the customer to ask what happened, and I heard a long rambling tale of how my cashier comes on to him all the time and how she initiated the "groping", and how this happens to him all the time with girls. Oh, did I mention the cashier is 20 and the customer is 78?
The customer and I have a gentlemen's agreement now... he shops elsewhere.
But it was a great example of how I'm not always sure where the lines are? Should I have taken any action at all, including calling the guy? At what point am I responsible for the "hostile environment", given the fact that this was an alleged sexual assault and she did not want to go to the police? (BTW... her father is a cop, and he's the one who advised her to not pursue charges. Figure that one out.)
Discuss amongst yourselves.
Anyway, he works at a rival Indian gaming facility, and one of the items he left behind was his work badge. Then he has the woman he's presumably having the affair with call me posing as someone from the rival casino's regulatory agency. She said it was my responsibility to get my ee to return "their" property or there was going to be big trouble.
Sigh. (:| Sometimes they just wear me out.
Margaret Morford
I also had a mother (an ex-employee) tell me her daughter (a current employee) had been "recruited" into lesbianism by two other store employees. She was going to go to a TV station and get them to do a feature on our little den of iniquity if I didn't put a stop to it.