Verifying Military Service

We need to verify an employee's claim of military service - specifically Army Airborne Rangers. I have no contact information. Who do we contact? What phone number, address etc. Also, what specific information will we need to provide to them?
Thank you in advance for the help,
Thank you in advance for the help,
On a related note, it is NOT uncommon for people to lie about such service. I know two people who claim such, one claiming to be an ex-Ranger and another, an ex-Navy Seal. Both are lying. They were employees who apparently did little more than read Soldier-Of-Fortune books and such. One had his office walls adorned with black outfits, photos of planes and ships and black face paint techniques. I got so tired of listening to his BS that one day, after the crowd had dispersed, I told him, "Why do you insist on telling these fabrications? I am the person at this company who has access to your original application, your transcript and your resume and to have been in the military, much less the SEALS, you would have had to do it part time at night and exclude any mention of it on your resume and application." His response was to tell me he was also currently a member of a counter intelligence network but he wasn't allowed to discuss it and he had sworn never to mention his service record on an application or resume. Horse Crap!
I would suggest you would only ask for a copy of his DD214 after you have moved the process along to the employment/background verification stage. Then go for it.