
I am reorganizing our ee files. While going through one file, I found a newspaper clipping and Obituary for one of our ee's father or husband. Is this something that I should keep in the ee file or should I give it to the ee? I don't have a good feeling keeping it in their file though. Your thoughts please.

As always, thank you for your time and consideration.



  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I can't imagine the value in keeping in the master pers file. While it may have become separated from a bereavement form, I certainly wouldn't keep it.
  • Good to know that my gut is in the right place. Thank you so much!
  • It was probably something that was provided, upon request, to verify the person's need to take bereavement leave. At a former employer employees were required to provide some type of documentation verifying the need for leave, as well as the relationship of the deceased to the employee. I often received this type of information and placed it in their personnel file for recordkeeping purposes. If this is something that happened awhile ago, I don't see any need to keep it there but I wouldn't recommend returning it to the employee, they probably have their own. If you don't need it, throw it away.
  • One side of my heart tells me that if this is an original newspaper obituary, I would very privately tell the employee that it was in the file and 'I would like for you to have it'. On certain days a smile and hug would also be in order. Notice the feeling of the air under your feet as you walk away.
  • If you have determined it was kept for recordkeeping purposes and you don't need it anymore, then you can discreetly ask the employee if they would like to have it returned to them, or if they would just like you to throw it away. I think it would come across as a nice gesture on your part if you asked their input on the matter, since it was their loved one who died..
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