Lying regarding an accident

We have an employee that damaged company property, didn't report it and when we did approach him, he lied and said he knew nothing about it. We have a witness to the incident and are now wanting to discipline this employee - for not only "not reporting it immediately" (per company policy) ... but also for the actual "lying", and why we feel that is even more serious for the company. Any suggestions on the wording??
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
"Unauthorized removal or willful damage to any property belonging to another employee, the company, a patron, vendor, or visitor while such property is in the care, custody and control of the company or on property.
Falsifying or omitting pertinent information on any record, report, or document, or giving false replies or testimony to official representatives in any matter relating to the organization's activities, business affairs, and like matters."
Maybe some of the verbiage will help.
PS - We also have post accident testing, and if positive, that would do it in and of itself.
"Our investigation reveals that you were untruthful regarding the accident involving the ____ that occured on ____ and the resulting damage to the ____. Your statement to ____ was that you were not involved in that accident and damage to company property and that you had no knowledge of who was responsible. On ____ you admitted to ____ in the presence of ____ and ____ that you were responsible and that you had given false information earlier in our investigation. In accordance with our policies and procedures handbook, page 14, item B (6), you are hereby suspended without pay for a period of three regular shifts, beginning at ____a.m. and concluding with the shift ending ____ p.m. You are to report for work on _____ at ____a.m. and report to _____. Your normal shift and pay will resume at that time."
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman