You need to be honest in certain instances. One of the questions I ask when calling references is "Are you aware of any problems he/she has that would interfere with work, such as dishonesty or a tendency toward violence?" If a reference answered that "NO", when in reality they knew the person had been in fights in their office or had been convicted of theft, they would be guilty of making a negligent referral. It is my understanding that they then have some liability if the person is hired and then steals the company car or injures a fellow worker in a violent act.
We only respond to written requests and only with the EE or former EE's written consent. We only give dates of employment, position held and ending rate of pay. Record Non-disclose to any other questions.
was she employed: yes.
did she quit: yes.
we do not provide a detailed accounting of behavior problems or attendance issues.
If the former employee signs a release, we will verify reason for leaving in written form.