Damned if you do, Damned if you don't - Which is worse?

We are in process of a termination ( SEE "Terming an employee" for more details)
today the employee breached our employee handbook policy by emailing again documents outside the company. Our attorney feels that we need to discuss this with her instead of terming her. We KNOW that if we term her she will file some sort of claim. If we keep her on it allows her to obtain additional information and forward it to the outside source. Either way a claim will be filed at some point. What is worse? Keeping her on after speaking with her stating we are investigationg the altercation and wait until she does something again then term her. OR Term her now and wait for whatever comes?
Our attorney feels that because of a friendship with an employee on leave she will consider all the disciplinaries received as retailiation for her friendship. This is not the case. All the disciplinaries were given because they all occurred relatively close to each other. He also feels this gives her the chance to do something intolerable and then we would be able to term at that point. I have alot of documentation but, most of it starts from March 2003 and on. We started having problems with her at the beginning of the year.
Please help I am getting an ulcer over here.
today the employee breached our employee handbook policy by emailing again documents outside the company. Our attorney feels that we need to discuss this with her instead of terming her. We KNOW that if we term her she will file some sort of claim. If we keep her on it allows her to obtain additional information and forward it to the outside source. Either way a claim will be filed at some point. What is worse? Keeping her on after speaking with her stating we are investigationg the altercation and wait until she does something again then term her. OR Term her now and wait for whatever comes?
Our attorney feels that because of a friendship with an employee on leave she will consider all the disciplinaries received as retailiation for her friendship. This is not the case. All the disciplinaries were given because they all occurred relatively close to each other. He also feels this gives her the chance to do something intolerable and then we would be able to term at that point. I have alot of documentation but, most of it starts from March 2003 and on. We started having problems with her at the beginning of the year.
Please help I am getting an ulcer over here.
Are the documents being sent outside the company proprietary information?
Is your documentation of other incidents sufficient? How many incidents?
What is she going to file a charge on---the company's decision to terminate an employee who repeatedly violates policy after warnings?? I don't believe there is such a claim as retailiation for a friendship. She either violated policy or she didn't. Perhaps I'm missing something. If you keep her on all of the other employees can violate your e-mail policy with immunity from any employment action.
It sounds as if you may be (escuse me here) in a pissing contest with one or more people over whether or not to terminate. I agree that if policy violations have occured and have been followed by discipline and still they are occuring, further discipline up to and including termination must take place. If you are unsucessful in your efforts to convince management that termination is in order, how about convincing them to have your IS people discontinue her computer privileges totally for a period of time with one final warning?
you term her. Leaked information could cause the loss of sales and jobs ! TERM
the employee NOW, and save yourself the kind of ulcers that will come if the company goes out of business.
I will keep all forumians posted.
I have spoken to the higher ups and upon her return she will be termed. I believe this should have been done prior to her leaving on last friday but, we would still have these problems.