We have sick time & vacation time. Employees are mainly non-exempt. We allow vacation time to be taken in hours and minutes.
We don't have a written policy that says ee must use available vacation time for any time gone that's not covered under "sick". Usually not a problem -should someone ask for a day without pay and have vacation time available, they'd be told they had to use vacation.
The problem comes with folks being "late" 10-15 minutes (unplanned). We have some supervisors that just note reason and ee is docked. Some supervisors are telling ee that because they have vacation time available, they must use it. Their idea is if they are forced to give up their vacation hours, it might help control their problem (not to say we don't visit about lateness issues whether they are docked or whether they call it vacation).
Do some of you have a specific policy regarding when ee's "have to" use vacation? Also, if an ee used all their sick time, and called in "sick", but had available vacation time, would you force them to use it?
I need to come up with some standard way to handle these issues, but I'm uncertain what that should be. Any ideas?
We don't have a written policy that says ee must use available vacation time for any time gone that's not covered under "sick". Usually not a problem -should someone ask for a day without pay and have vacation time available, they'd be told they had to use vacation.
The problem comes with folks being "late" 10-15 minutes (unplanned). We have some supervisors that just note reason and ee is docked. Some supervisors are telling ee that because they have vacation time available, they must use it. Their idea is if they are forced to give up their vacation hours, it might help control their problem (not to say we don't visit about lateness issues whether they are docked or whether they call it vacation).
Do some of you have a specific policy regarding when ee's "have to" use vacation? Also, if an ee used all their sick time, and called in "sick", but had available vacation time, would you force them to use it?
I need to come up with some standard way to handle these issues, but I'm uncertain what that should be. Any ideas?
We recently had a situation with our union president who missed 5 minutes in his shift and received a "point" for it. He was not happy but understood that it was in keeping with the policy. Needless to say he has not been tardy since.
Once they have depleted their PTO banks and start using unpaid time off, we begin the progressive disciplinary process, unless it is FMLA time. I tell all new employees, the number one reason we terminate employment is for attendance problems.