In compliance to a law from federal Highway our commerical drivers are required to have a medical examination showing they are fit for duty to drive vehicles that require commerical driver licenses. As a benefit we pay for their exams. The employees are instructed to have the clinic bill our account for the visit. I post the invoice for payment from the medical clinic which has the employee's name and the cpt code for commerical drivers physical exam. No other information is on the invoice. This question is. Is this a HIPA violation?
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much.
I assumed from your first posting that when you referred to "Post the invoice" you were speaking in accounting terms and not physically placing it on a bulletin board. Only those that have a need to know should be aware of the results.
I hadn't thought of that "post". I had flashbacks to publicly posted grades from final exams...
Now, if the physician's office manager sends you the physical exam document, attached as proof of the charge, then you are wise to pull off the physical exam portion and give it to the record keeper of the CDL files. Don't read the details of the physical exam for you do not have a need to know, tell your HR about the incident so that he can alert the physician's office of the need for training on the handling of the paper trail of these type of services.