Medical/Benefit File

At a HIPAA training recently attended, the presenter suggested that Benefit enrollment forms were PHI and said they could be filed in the same folder as the medical file. Our VP thought this would be a great idea. I'm not so sure. Does anyone know the legality of this?
Here, we put our enrollment forms in a binder - but we have to go through the binder periodically to take out terms. (Double work)
Medical file.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
That said, I've always thought anything related to medical events, insurance or health even in a remote way should be in the med file. But the only reason is for the ease of retrieval and not having to search through multiple files for it. An enrollment form will never come into question or have need for retrieval except in one circumstance and that's as it relates to claims or coverage which relate to medical/health issues which equals the med file. You will never be told that it is illegal to keep some item in the medical file; the converse is the problem.